Certified ISO 22000:2018

Nand Persaud & Company Ltd. began the process of becoming ISO 22000 Certified in July 2015. We were aware that having a certified Food Safety Management System will enhance the value of our products to our customers. This certification would propel us into a class of companies that can proudly claim a focus on quality, food safety, and a commitment to sustaining continual growth. In addition, it would benefit our operations by providing more transparency, consistency, and organization to how we operate. For the uninitiated, ISO 22000:2018 is a Food Safety Management System that can be applied to any company in the food industry. The ISO 22000:2005 standards outline all the requirements for this Food Safety Management System. This is to ensure that the safety of food during the entire manufacturing process. The challenges of implementing a food safety management system have pushed us in new and unimaginable directions from when we started.
In our 27 years of existence, Nand Persaud & Company Limited has always been committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity. We are always responsible to our customers, to our suppliers, to our employees and their families, to the environments we inhabit, and to the communities and societies we serve locally and internationally. Our interactions with all segments of society have always reflected the high standard we profess. Those values were embedded in the fabric of NPCL by our founder, Mr. Nand Persaud, and have been carried on by the company and its leadership since his passing more than a decade ago. Receiving the ISO 22000:2018 certification simply sets us along a path of enhancing the values we have always had and realizing their full potential. It is our hope that implementing the ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety Management System will afford us the opportunity to look at our business practices in totality and set an even higher standard of excellence. We know it will connect us to the concept of continuous improvement and push us to think about what exceptional looks like for our products, and then to establish even higher goals for what we can accomplish. We are proud to say Nand Persaud & Company Limited is ISO 22000:2018 certified and this has empowered us to think bigger for our future, knowing we have the framework in place to achieve it.